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If you have a few hours...

You can

  • Volunteer on Mitzvah Day
  • Assemble and deliver Mishloach Manot on Purim
  • Sponsor kiddush
  • Greet worshippers on Shabbat or during the High Holidays
  • Host a Shabbat dinner or My Jewish Neighborhood event
  • Volunteer at the USH booth at the Hoboken Art & Music Festival
  • Set up for the brunch series or other
  • Help with the membership BBQ
  • Serve food at the Shelter during our monthly evenings

If you are looking for something you can do (mostly) from home...

You can

  • Write! - for The Shofar, website or blog
  • Contact new and prospective members for the Membership Committee
  • Join the 613 Shabbat Committee
  • Help the Finance Committee
  • Work with the Volunteer Committee
  • Host a Shabbat dinner or My Jewish Neighborhood event
  • Volunteer at the USH booth at the Hoboken Art & Music Festival
  • Set up for the brunch series or other event
  • Join our Finance committee

If you like to work with your hands...

You can

  • Help out in the Building Committee
  • Become a stained glass volunteer
  • Help build the Sukkah

If you like to plan events...

You can

  • Join the Casino Night Committee
  • Pitch in or chair a winter brunch or lecture series
  • Plan an outreach event for young families
  • Plan an event for young adults
  • Help plan the Film Series
  • Host a Shabbat dinner at your home
  • Coordinate a dinner at USH

If you have children...

You can

  • Be a greeter at Shabbat in the Park
  • Coordinate a Family Friday Shabbat
  • Chaperone a Learning Center field trip
  • Do "in reach" communication for new members with young children
  • Help with PJ Library

If you find meaning from ritual and Jewish study...

You can

  • Lead services or read Torah or Haftarah at one of our services 
  • Attend a weekday minyan
  • Join the Chesed Committee and assist congregants who are sitting shiva
  • Lead a study group, or tutor someone looking to learn Hebrew or Jewish knowledge
  • Be a resource for Jews by choice and other adults learning about Judaism at a beginner level
  • Plan and promote advanced Jewish learning and other learning events

If you are passionate about Israel...

You can

  • Assist in planning an Israel-oriented event 
  • Assist in planning an event for the Moadon Yisre’eli / Hoboken Israeli Club

If you are a performer...

You can

  • Join in the annual Purim Shpiel 
  • Play a musical instrument at Friday evening services during the summertime

If you would like to enjoy deeper Jewish engagement at home...

  • Read a Jewish book
  • Add a Jewish site, page, or feed to your digital life
  • Go deeper into a PJ library book with your child
  • Attend Shabbat services
  • Celebrate Shabbat and/or Havdalah at home with your family and friends
  • Host a Shabbat dinner
  • Invite a friend to join you for a Jewish activity
  • Go to a Jewish cultural event or instruction

USH relies on its members and friends to help keep our community vibrant, organized, and on the cutting edge of cultural, educational, and spiritual programming. No matter your talent, interest, profession, or availability, you and your family are bound to find a meaningful way to contribute your time to our community.  Here are just some of the volunteer opportunities available in our community.  Contact the office for more information about any of these opportunities and we’ll steer you to the right person!

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Wed, December 4 2024 3 Kislev 5785