Learning Center
“You shall teach them to your children...”
--Deuteronomy 6
The Learning Center is the United Synagogue of Hoboken’s after-school and Shabbat Jewish education program for children ages 2-1/2 to 18. Classes are offered Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and on Saturday mornings.
Our child-centered programs inspire children with the joy of Judaism and encourage them to increase their practice of Judaism and participation in the Jewish community. We are dedicated to creating a welcoming, nurturing environment for our students and their families in an atmosphere that is creative, challenging, inclusive, and supportive.
The curriculum for each grade has been carefully designed to engage children at their age-appropriate level. Teaching methods vary to meet the needs of all children, with the understanding that each child is an individual with a unique set of strengths and interests. Family programming is a major facet of holiday celebrations. Field trips make Judaism come alive.
Our families feel proud to be part of the Learning Center community because ethical behavior, good friendships, and love of children and Judaism are paramount.
For more information about signing up for Learning Center class for the fall, 2016, please go to Learning Center Applications.
Questions? Contact the Learning Center.
Kaplan Cooperative Preschool
“The mouths of infants proclaim God’s power”--Psalm 8
In every way, from our curriculum to our teaching staff, our preschool promotes in our children a positive self image and self confidence. Students learn responsibility for their actions and for themselves, as well as the social skills that foster understanding and consideration for their peers and all people.